ST DIGITAL Announces Network Security Upgrades for it's 100% African cloud

25 octobre 2023 par
ST DIGITAL Announces Network Security Upgrades for it's 100% African cloud
Today, ST DIGITAL announces significant improvements to network security. 

We have fully implemented security mesures on our network infrastructure and we have joined the Mutually Agreed Norms for Routing Security (MANRS) initiative. 
These investments in our infrastructure demonstrate ST DIGITAL commitment to network reliability and coordination with our peering partners.


ST DIGITAL has joined the Mutually Agreed Norms for Routing Security (MANRS) initiative, supported by the Internet Society. Together with other industry leaders, including Akamai, AWS, Cloudflare, Facebook, Google, Microsoft, and Netflix, ST DIGITAL has agreed to a set of specific actions to keep the Internet safe. Our technical implementation actions are published at

All MANRS participants must commit to a routing security standard designed to prevent abuse, attacks, or errors due to routing errors. The initiative recommends the following security-enhancing actions:

• Prevent propagation of incorrect routing information
• Prevent traffic of illegitimate source IP addresses
• Facilitate global operational communication and coordination
• Facilitate validation of routing information on a global scale
• Encourage MANRS adoption
• Provide monitoring and debugging tools to peering partners (optional)

Through our collaborative technical action, MANRS members make the global routing infrastructure more secure. ST DIGITAL is proud to implement the MANRS standard. 
We encourage our peer network partners in Africa to join our efforts to ensure a reliable, trustworthy Internet.

About the Internet Society

Founded in 1992 by members of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), the Internet Society supports the standards process and technical infrastructure of the Internet as a force for good in society.

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